Monday, January 11, 2010

Think Positively

Your mind is far more powerful than you could ever imagine. Your mind controls trillions of actions per second. The interesting part is that you're only consciously controlling a fraction of those trillion actions. However, your state of mind plays a very influencial role in determining how those subconcious actions are carried out in your body. For example, if you're happy and positive you have less stress hormones circulating in your blood stream causing havoc on your system. However, if you're upset and stressed, your bodies functions will be all out of wack.

Ok, so enough with the science stuff, why does this really matter to you?

Positive thinking puts your body in a positive physiological state and when your body is in a positive state your system run smoother and more efficient. You will have more energy, you will think clearer, you will sleep easier, and you will feel better all around.

So choose to think positively at all times. It's not easy given life's daily ups and downs but the more you practice, the better you will get at it until eventually it will become second nature. Be sure to surround yourself with like minded positive people. You can feed off each others positive energy and they can help you stay positive when challenges come calling.

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