"This can’t last. This misery can’t last. I must remember that and try to control myself. Nothing lasts really. Neither happiness nor despair. Not even life lasts very long. There’ll come a time in the future when I shan’t mind about this anymore, when I can look back and say quite peacefully and cheerfully how silly I was. No, no, I don’t want that time to come ever. I want to remember every minute, always, always to the end of my days."
— Brief Encounter (1945)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Will you live forever???
What would you do if you learned that this life means nothing at all? Would you live more recklessly? Would you live more conservatively? Would you tell more people how you feel about them or would you say less? Our existence on this earth must be one of the most difficult unanswered questions we have ever asked ourselves. ‘Is there life after this one?’ I think we should first start by asking a leading question; Was there life BEFORE this one. It would be pretty ignorant to believe that each and every one of us is living this life for the first time. Science has proven that energy cannot be created nor destroyed and our universe has a finite amount of energy. This is a very important fact to consider when thinking about life and “after life.” What happens to our energy when our body turns back into earth? Well science would say it has to go somewhere. I would have to say that it brings NEW life. But our entire soul doesn’t just transfer into a new life form. I think it spreads out and becomes a part of many new lives. So if you think about it, each one of us is made up from the energy of a number of previous life forms and our souls are the culmination of free energy from the earth. Even though our bodies may pass on, our soul energy will live forever....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Fear Nothing
Fear is the most powerful human emotion. It can be the greatest motivator or the greatest inhibitor. For years, we have been conditioned to listen to our internal fears. To run when being chased or to stop when seeing an obstacle. It is this conditioning that has prevented many of us from some potential life changing experiences.

Fear does not have to run your life. Remember, you always have a choice. You can listen to fear every time it gets in your face, or you can put fear back in its place and move forward. The most important thing to consider when you're about to decided whether to listen to fear or to dismiss it is consequence. Before you decide what to do, you have understand what the potential consequences of your actions could be. Only then can you make a conscious choice. For example, you are about to jump off a bridge with a giant bungee cord attached to your ankles. Fear is screaming in your ear not to jump! Now before you jump, you must be able to accept the potential consequence that you "could" fall to your death. Now the chances of this actually happening are very slim, the possibility still exists. So at this point, you either accept the possibility of death, push fear aside, and jump, or you let fear win and you turn back and step down of the platform. No matter what your choice is, you have to be willing to deal with the consequences and most of the time, if you break it down that way, you will see that they are not that intimidating.
Overcoming our conditioned fears will open the door to incredible life experiences. You are smarter than fear because you can rationalize. Fear doesn't rationalize consequence. It's an extremely simple and primitive defense mechanism designed to make you aware of "potential" danger. Don't let fear run your life. Take charge of it and use it as motivation!
As the old saying goes, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. It's okay to take some risks. The rewards will outweigh the consequences nine times out of ten.
So next time fear gets up in your face, push it aside and jump!

Fear does not have to run your life. Remember, you always have a choice. You can listen to fear every time it gets in your face, or you can put fear back in its place and move forward. The most important thing to consider when you're about to decided whether to listen to fear or to dismiss it is consequence. Before you decide what to do, you have understand what the potential consequences of your actions could be. Only then can you make a conscious choice. For example, you are about to jump off a bridge with a giant bungee cord attached to your ankles. Fear is screaming in your ear not to jump! Now before you jump, you must be able to accept the potential consequence that you "could" fall to your death. Now the chances of this actually happening are very slim, the possibility still exists. So at this point, you either accept the possibility of death, push fear aside, and jump, or you let fear win and you turn back and step down of the platform. No matter what your choice is, you have to be willing to deal with the consequences and most of the time, if you break it down that way, you will see that they are not that intimidating.
Overcoming our conditioned fears will open the door to incredible life experiences. You are smarter than fear because you can rationalize. Fear doesn't rationalize consequence. It's an extremely simple and primitive defense mechanism designed to make you aware of "potential" danger. Don't let fear run your life. Take charge of it and use it as motivation!
As the old saying goes, you have nothing to fear but fear itself. It's okay to take some risks. The rewards will outweigh the consequences nine times out of ten.
So next time fear gets up in your face, push it aside and jump!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Think Positively
Your mind is far more powerful than you could ever imagine. Your mind controls trillions of actions per second. The interesting part is that you're only consciously controlling a fraction of those trillion actions. However, your state of mind plays a very influencial role in determining how those subconcious actions are carried out in your body. For example, if you're happy and positive you have less stress hormones circulating in your blood stream causing havoc on your system. However, if you're upset and stressed, your bodies functions will be all out of wack.
Ok, so enough with the science stuff, why does this really matter to you?
Positive thinking puts your body in a positive physiological state and when your body is in a positive state your system run smoother and more efficient. You will have more energy, you will think clearer, you will sleep easier, and you will feel better all around.
So choose to think positively at all times. It's not easy given life's daily ups and downs but the more you practice, the better you will get at it until eventually it will become second nature. Be sure to surround yourself with like minded positive people. You can feed off each others positive energy and they can help you stay positive when challenges come calling.
Ok, so enough with the science stuff, why does this really matter to you?
Positive thinking puts your body in a positive physiological state and when your body is in a positive state your system run smoother and more efficient. You will have more energy, you will think clearer, you will sleep easier, and you will feel better all around.
So choose to think positively at all times. It's not easy given life's daily ups and downs but the more you practice, the better you will get at it until eventually it will become second nature. Be sure to surround yourself with like minded positive people. You can feed off each others positive energy and they can help you stay positive when challenges come calling.
Saturday, January 9, 2010
Achieve Success in Anything
If you want to be successful at something, just find someone who is already successful at it and follow their actions.
For example, if you want to be in great physical shape, find someone who already is and learn what they eat, where they train, how they train, how they think and what beliefs they follow. From there, just follow their actions and you will find
Yes, success can be that easy.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Carpe Diem
Seize the day. Every moment you live is a chance to do everything and anything you've ever wanted to do. Time is luck. If you have it, use it to the fullest. If you don't have it, set out on a search to discover it. What you will find will make all the difference in your life.
You only go through this journey of life once so make it count.
Carpe Diem.
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